Discipleship 101”
-The Video Series
A Workplace Discipleship Study
Workplace 313 is excited to offer a 12-part series of 18—26 minute videos on the basics of workplace discipleship (“faith at work”). The videos correspond to the chapters in David Gill’s book Workplace Discipleship 101: A Primer.
This Video Series and accompanying Study Guide are available here for free to individuals and study groups. These print/digital and video materials are copyright © David W. Gill and must not be altered or plagiarized in any way. Thanks to Keith W. Criss for videography and production, to Bonnie Johnston for production assistance, and to the hosting businesses and organizations that contributed to the filming sites.
Organizing A Group Study—or An Individual
Study Plan
We recommend viewing just one or two of these videos in each study session, following each video with time for reflection and/or group discussion. Printing out and using the Study Guide, which highlights key points and questions for each episode, will significantly strengthen learning. Reading the corresponding chapters in the book itself, either before or after viewing the videos, is not essential but highly recommended.
WD101 Episode 1: COMMIT (Be intentional, not casual about WD)
WD101 Episode 2: PRAY (Talk to God proactively, not just in crisis)
WD101 Episode 3: LISTEN (Invite God to teach us about work)
WD101 Episode 4: PARTNER (Form a posse. Don’t
just go it alone)
WD101 Episode 5: LEARN (Get better, deeper,
and wiser)
WD101 Episode 6: ALIGN (Work in harmony with
God’s work)
WD101 Episode 7: MODEL (Set a great personal example at work)
WD101 Episode 8: LIGHT (Share biblical insights
about work at work)
WD101 Episode 9: SHARE (Appropriate talk about
faith in workplace)
WD101 Episode 10: OVERCOME (Conflict and wrongdoing at work)
WD101 Episode 11: CONTRIBUTE (Work skills to church/community)
WD101 Episode 12: REST (No workaholism. Rest, worship, play)