Transforming Work

What is Workplace 313?


Workplace 313 is a non-profit, nondenominational team, founded in 2019, whose mission is to equip and mobilize workplace disciples with the transformative mission, values, and ethics of Jesus and Scripture. It’s all about biblical and meaningful work . . . positive impact on workplace and world . . . and glory and honor to God. 

We all know that Christians are called to honor God 52 Sundays each year as they rest, worship, play, and serve. But biblical faith is equally emphatic that the remaining 313 days of the year—Monday through Saturday—are also days of service to God, people, and all creation. The commandment “Remember the Sabbath day” is paired with an often-forgotten companion: “You shall work six days.” The 313 matter, not just the 52.

Our primary resource is the massive—but often overlooked—teaching about work in the Bible. We will learn from workplace veterans and theological experts. But we believe God also speaks by his Spirit through his people so we want to hear from you as well.


  • Workplace 313 offers “basic trainingin workplace discipleship (often called “faith at work”) for individual and group study by way of the book Workplace Discipleship 101: A Primer by David W. Gill (available in print, e-book, and audiobook formats)—and a free, twelve-part video series and accompanying study guide.

  • WP313 hosts periodic on-line forums and conversations about specific vocations and issues in the workplace and makes their recordings available at .

  • WP313 publishes a free e-zinethe313—with brief essays and reviews, as well as event announcements—and archives the content at

  • WP313 seeks to provide counsel and support to individual workers, managers, students, faculty, faith at work leaders, and pastors—as time allows.




Workplace 313 publications, events, and resources are geared for all thoughtful men and women interested in thinking about their work and career in light of their faith and values.

  • people in all stages and phases of their life work from schooling to mid-career to the post-career stage called “retirement.”

  • not just for those working in offices or factories but those working in the home, the school, the studio, the retail store, the outdoors, or wherever.  

  • not just for those in the midst of busy working careers but for those with no, or inadequate work, and those in difficult work situations.   


WorkPlace 313 is part of the broad, historic, mainstream of biblical Christianity. We are non-denominational and independent, wishing to learn from and serve all of God’s people, including those who may be exploring Christianity and workplace discipleship for the first time.

WorkPlace 313 is a registered non-profit corporation in the state of California, financially supported by tax-deductible donations.

Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci.